2014年10月5日 星期日

英文閱測怎麼考 Gutter Oil’ Scandal by Elizabeth Barber

Gutter Oil’ Scandal Raises Food-Safety Fears Once Again in Greater China                From Time
Elizabeth Barber
Sept. 8, 2014
only for education

A Taiwanese food-safety scare has spread to Hong Kong with the revelation that the city’s 
biggest bakery chain, as well as branches of 7-Eleven and Starbucks, may have been selling pastries made with so-called gutter oil.

The news once again puts the issue of food safety under the spotlight in a part of the world(1.that has been bedeviled by everything2.(B)from adulterated baby milk formula to exploding watermelons and even fake eggs).The Hong Kong based South China Morning Post reports that the popular breakfast staple which is known as pineapple buns 2.,which is offered in branches of Maxim’s Cakes and 7-Eleven, as well two specialty Starbucks outlets, 3.could have been made with 1.gutter oil — a potentially harmful blend of oil extracted from food waste, offal and the byproducts of tanneries.

1.that...補充說明the issue of food safety
2.pineapple buns, which is offered in branches of....
所以用, which 專指從Maxim's Cakes和7-11等管道製作的麵包可能用了餿水油製作
3.could have been made with....
could have Vp.p(現在完成式)  當時 可能......
                   been made with...(被動態)
The popular breakfast staple could have been made with gutter oil.

    過去                                    現在

The Post said that since August 2011 Maxim’s Cakes had bought 34 tons of oil from a Hong Kong importer, who in turn purchased it from Chang Guann, a major lard supplier based in Taiwan. The oil was used to make the bakery chain’s iconic 2.(A)pineapple buns — so called not because they contain pineapple but because of the distinctive shape of the sugar and biscuit crust baked onto the buns’ surface. All the items have now been recalled.

Police in Taiwan last week said that2.(C)Chang Guann had purchased 243 tons of oil from a gutter oil ring in southern Taiwan since March.2.(D)The Taiwanese lard giant which says it was unaware that the oil was gutter oil in turn sold 51,981 cartons of oil to hundreds of food companies around Asia, according to Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration.

1.就是考畫線gutter oil是啥意思
即便不知道也沒差 因為後面有補充說明

2.還有內容問題 何者正確?
(A)pineapple buns 會如此命名是因為裡頭有鳳梨餡
(B)現今世界上的食安問題 除了gutter oil 還有adulterated baby milk formula  exploding watermelons  fake eggs
(C)強冠公司採購了243噸在Northern Taiwan生產的餿水油
(D)根據台灣衛生福利部食品藥物管理署調查 台灣的餿水油流向thousands of food companies around Asia

Authorities in Taiwan say that over a thousand Taiwanese companies have used oil supplied by Chang Guann to make a total of 139 different products. 3.(D)Local groceries across China pulled several Taiwanese brands of dumplings, sauces and noodles from their shelves over the weekend.
3.(C)Many regional food suppliers and restaurants harbor reservations about the quality of food from China where a series of recent scandals including chicken feet marinated in hydrogen peroxide and the use of expired meat by one of the country’s top food suppliers continues to unsettle consumers. 3.(A)Still, Taiwan had boasted a better reputation.

3.(B)But in the wake of the Chang Guann scandal, revelers could be shunning Taiwanese moon cakes this year. Hong Kong health officials told Agence France-Presse that moon cakes sold around the city are undergoing checks.


3.根據paragraph 5~6所述可知
(B)Due to Chang Guann gutter oil scandal, reveler might avoid purchase Taiwanese moon cake this year.
(C)Many regional food suppliers and restaurants hold positive attitude about the quality of food from China.
(D)Local groceries across China 已經將所有台灣品牌的食品下架

(B)science magazine

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