2017年7月26日 星期三


The Atlantic 

[Researchers asked participants in the United States, Denmark, Canada, and the Netherlands how much money they spent each month on having someone else do tasks they found unpleasant, as well as how satisfied they were with their lives. The services could include things like a grocery delivery service, a housecleaner, or taking cabs rather than buses. About 28 percent of the respondents spent money in this way, spending about $147.95 each. Across countries and income levels, those who spent money to save time reported greater levels of life satisfaction.

The explanation was simple: Using money to buy time made people feel less time-crunched, and thus, happier.
The study presents an interesting twist on a well-established theory in psychology: With some exceptions, experiences tend to make people happier than things do. In this case, it’s not a mind-blowing concert itself that brings joy, but the arrival of the babysitter, so that you can rock out to your favorite band—or maybe just get some work done—stress-free. In this study, people who made a $40 time-saving purchase felt better than those who spent it on a physical good.
The connection between time-saving and happiness was pretty reliable, but, it seemed, only to a point. At the highest levels of spending on time saving, life satisfaction dipped again.

The authors propose this is because outsourcing every part of your life could lead to a loss of control, “by leading people to infer that they are unable to handle any daily tasks.”] (OLGA KHAZAN,JUL 25. 2017)


讀完這部分文章 請思考一下 如果你是出題者 可以問些什麼?


花錢買時間 讓人覺得不會____,因此感到快樂

如果還是不確定 後面還有一長串在述說

“Someone who doesn't have a lot of spare time. Someone who has a very tight schedule, the whole day is well planned with no time to waste.”

-如果有選項說到 The connection between time-saving and happiness was completely relevant. (×) daeng~錯錯
“The connection between time-saving and happiness was pretty reliable, but, it seemed, only to a point. At the highest levels of spending on time saving, life satisfaction dipped again.” 原文是說節省時間的花費跟人生獲得滿足之間有關係,但是到某一程度,滿足度會下降。



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